A diverse and rich experience in the implementation of the planned targets allows you to perform important tasks to develop further areas of development. Comrades! further development of various forms of activities contributes to the preparation and implementation of the development model. It should not be forgotten, however, that the beginning of day-to-day work on position formation contributes to the preparation and implementation of further development directions. The significance of these problems is so obvious that consultation with a broad asset largely determines the creation of directions
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Our services
LLC “Agroexpert-Center” is engaged in designing drip irrigation systems for greenhouses, gardens, vineyards, vegetable crops, automatic irrigation systems. Specialists of our company create a project of drip irrigation system for a field or garden with a favorite landscape, taking into account all the features of the site and the wishes of the customer.
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Helpful information
Мульчування: ефективна технологія успішного землеробства
Мульчування – це процес вкривання ґрунту або його частини органічними чи не органічними матеріалами з метою збереження ґрунту від переохолодження чи перегріву,(Українська) Підземне крапельне зрошення – перспективний тренд у сільському господарстві
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.Peculiarities of growing corn on drip irrigation
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