In the case of the victorian water, which is located near the water area (river, canal, water cover і etc.), it is necessary to monitor the waterfalls of the gravel. CI filters attributed to the visualization of organical and non-organic parts and are closed by the conditions, in the jaculent elements of the vicorist, the coot granite of the fractions is 1.2 – 2.4 mm.
Pischano-gravіynі fіltrostantsі ї buvayut two types – one-chamber and two-chamber.
Single chamber airbag
Vykoristovuyutsya for the appearance of organichny і nonorganic parts of the watering. Zastosovuvaniyu in the perception of the filthy element of the pits engravings, for rakhunku his high visibility of his perennial fi ltrasіynoi on the surface, allow utrimuvati great number of healthy parts. It is recommended to use Vikorisovuvati when taking water from water.
Tsei filter є naibіlsh we will forgive, nayіnim і nevibaglivim in operation and service providers with cleaned watering.
Input / Output | Diameter of capacitance, in / mm | Throughput, m3 / h | Max. Working pressure, bar | Weight, kg |
2″ | 18″/450 | 25 | 8 | 100 |
3″ | 24″/600 | 50 | 8 | 190 |
4″ | 24″/600 | 60 | 8 | 210 |
The principle of the single-chamber filter:
Water during filtration passes through a container filled with gravel filler, and the purified one enters the supply pipeline (the crane No. 1 is open, the crane No. 4 is open, the crane No. 2 and the tap No. 3 are closed). During the operation of the filter, gravel filler is contaminated with organic and inorganic particles (this can be seen from the pressure drop on the manometers installed at the inlet and outlet of the filter). With a difference in the readings of pressure gauges greater than 0.5 atm, it is necessary to rinse the filtering layer of gravel. To do this, it is necessary to create a reverse water flow through the filter. In this case, the crane No. 1 and No. 4 is closed, and No. 2 and No. 3 are open.
Two-chamber air-gravel
On the view of the single-chamber camera of the camera of the two independent cameras of the field. Water chambers are watering along the water without a zupinka in the water.
Filtration of a number of non-cross-overs:
- Construction process without watering;
- Promivannya conducted vzhe purified water.
The principle of a two-chamber filter
Water must be put in through the tap ı 1 і 3 (vіdkriti) into the tank і fіltruєitsya through the gravity line. Crane number 2 і 4 zakritі.
Rіznitsya show manometers on the entrance and more than 0.5 Atm per order on the need for production. For this purpose, a starfish strut through the skin chamber okremo is necessary. For flushing the camera A, the crane №1 і 4 is closed, and the cranes №2 і 3 are near. Camera В is washed in a starred order (crane №1 і 4 vіdkritі, and cranes №3 і 2 closed).
Promotions be-yakoi fіltrostantsi guilty henchmen with 3-10 conglomerate, in zalednost іd step zabrudnennya (to purely water).
Do not “re-equip” with the help of vitrata vody, just to increase the nominal productiveness, – but to reduce it to the boundary of the straiteness of the purified stage of the purified vid and the blockage of the blockade
Description | Capacity diameter, inch / mm | Capacity, m3 / h | Maximum working pressure, bar | Weight, kg |
4″ | 36″/900 | 90 | 8 | 400 |
6″ | 48″/1200 | 120-160 | 8 | 500 |
The recommendations of the drive vid on the entrance to the physical station are to be not less than 3 Atm (for a short vise, the effective gravity of the gravitational line will be reduced).
The period of flushing of the fi ltr_v to lay in the step of the zabrudnenost nod vod і ітненсенсі і water flow. In case of “brudniy”, water should be promoted by filter not more than 1 time for a year. The minimum number of promys (with “pure” water) is not less than two times before.
Batteries ї pіschano-gravіynih fіltrіv
When it comes to the need for cleansing of the great oaths of life, it’s impossible to clean it with a single chamber or with a two-dimensional window-gravel filter. Batteries ї pіschano-gravіynih fіltrіv are recruited from the same type of modular files. Throughput and battery design can be worn in a wide range of locations and can be selected for the special order.
The battery set includes fuel filters for rough cleaning and fine-tuning, valves, gaskets, and pressure gauge.
Avtomatichnі pіschano-gravіynі fіltri
Priznachen_ for ftltruvannya polovennoi vodi v_d dom_shok, with automatic control over the mill of obstructed and cleaned fіltrіv. The complete set of danikh fіltrostantsіy rіznomanіtna, і mozhe buti is presented, as with the help of filtrams, with the installation of an automatic control system on them, as well as a series of fi rmfirms in one system (battery).